These Habits Can Ruin Your Health; Make Sure, You Are Not Doing These

It is known to everyone that we can fight the risk of several health issues with a healthy diet and lifestyle. You might not know but some habits can take a toll on your health. From lack of exercise to too much snacking, there are several things that you need to change for a healthy living. Here are a few habits that you must get rid of for a healthy living.

Screen time affecting your sleep

Many take their mobile phones to the bedroom. It can disturb your sleeping pattern. Using the phone for too long can is not just bad for your eyesight but can affect your overall health. Poor sleep is linked to several health issues. Keep your phone aside and make sure that you ensure better sleep.

Sitting for too long

What Sitting For A Long Time Can Do To Your Body? -

Sitting for too long can make you gain weight as well as increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancers. More physical exercise throughout the day can help ensure better health. Exercise every day and take frequent breaks if you sit for too long.

Eating too quickly

When having a meal, eat slowly and chew your food properly. Eating quickly will not give you satisfaction. It can also make you consume more calories than required. You should avoid all distractions while eating and chew food slowly.

Skipping meals

The Dangers of Kids Skipping Meals

Many skip meals to lose weight. But it will not help you lose weight. To lose weight you should eat small and frequent meals. Skipping meals will make you consume more calories in the next. Also, add enough nutrients to your every meal.


Do you consume a pain killer whenever you experience pain or minor discomfort? This is also linked with several health issues. You should not consume pills without your doctor’s consultation. Also, try to skip the use of painkillers as much as possible.

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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