Food for better mental health

Healthy includes both our body and mind. Food have a major role in your mental health as it impacts your mood, anxiety level, ability to focus, and every other aspect of brain function. Here are some food for mental health.

Vitamin B12

Eating adequate amount of vitamin B12 helps in maintaining healthy brain function, nerve tissues, and red blood cell production. You might develop mental problems if you have extremely low levels of B12, which is naturally found in meats, fish, dairy products, etc. People who do not eat meat, like vegans, can get vitamin B12 in the form of supplements. Also, some types of breakfast cereals and milk are fortified with B12.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Your body produces vitamin D as a response to sun light. You can also boost your intake through certain foods or supplements – egg yolks, fatty fish, cheese, fortified cereals and juices, etc.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Apart from mental health it can help improve heart health, fight inflammation and autoimmune diseases. It supports healthy brain function and low levels of this type of fat can lead to unstable moods, depression, anxiety, poor focus, and concentration. Fatty fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fats. Other food sources include nuts, seeds and oysters, etc.

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It is an important mineral that you need for good health.  Poor levels of zinc can effect mood and anxiety levels, reduce appetite, and lead to people generally feeling like they have no energy or motivation to do things. This mineral is abundant in lean meats, shellfish, legumes, whole grains, eggs, dairy foods, nuts, seeds, etc.

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