Throat infection to piles; incredible health benefits of black pepper you don’t know

Black pepper is also known as black gold. It works tremendously against virus and bacteria. It has great benefits for health and it is very beneficial for our body.

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  1. Black pepper helps to reduce dandruff. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory elements a can remove dandruff.
  2. By licking black pepper with ghee and sugar candy, the sore throat can be cured.
  3. Boil eight-ten black peppers in water and gargle with water for throat infection
  4. Eat half a teaspoon ground black pepper with a little ghee increases the eyesight.
  5. Finely grinded black pepper mixed with ghee can be applied for pimples.
  6. Grind black pepper, cumin and sugar candy and take it with water twice a day, it provides relief in piles.
  7. By mixing half a teaspoon pepper powder and half a teaspoon honey, licking it 4 times a day can cure cough.

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