How to make hair perfume at home

If there is any kind of infection in our head, hair and scalp starts to stink. If the scalp is too oily, has too much dandruff, has too much rash etc or is undergoing any kind of treatment, then due to medicines, smells start coming. The smell of scalp makes situation very awkward.

Hair sprays and hair perfumes can  remove bad smell from the hair. If you have to go to a wedding or a party then it becomes very important because sometimes hair styling and different heat products cause the hair to stink. This does not smell, so why don’t we make hair perfume at home. Here is a way how perfume can be made at home with just 3 things.

Amazing health benefits of fish oil


1 teaspoon argan oil

10-12 drops essential oil

1/2 cup rose water


Mix all the ingredients well and just put it in a spray bottle. If your hair is frizzy and damaged, you can also add 1 vitamin E capsule oil. But don’t add more than 1 on it, because it can make hair look oily.


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