Is black in the armpit the problem? Here are ways to fix it

The main reason behind the reluctance of many women to wear sleeveless dresses is the black color of the armpits. No matter how beautifully dressed, the black color of the armpit alone is enough to make you lose your beauty and confidence.

Since it is considered to be the first sign of uncleanliness, it would be embarrassing for anyone to expose it. The armpit area is more likely to darken very quickly as it is a continuously returned part of the skin. In addition, there are many reasons for the party to go black. This is due to skin changes, hormonal changes, the use of deodorants containing chemicals, and poor hygiene.

Some home remedies can help you get rid of dark circles under your armpits in the best way.

Castor oil

Castor oil works as an excellent skin conditioner that works wonders on the skin. It absorbs all the impurities that accumulate in the skin and helps to get rid of excess oil, dirt, and dead cells. This is one of the most natural ways to bring back the lost color of your armpit skin.

To use it, take a generous amount of castor oil and rub it well under the armpits. Make it a habit to do this every day for the best results. You will get the solution in a few days

Potato juice

Potatoes are rich in different types of nutrients. This will give a lot of benefits to the skin. They are high in antioxidants and vitamin C, which help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, and skin discoloration. Potato juice acts as a natural bleach that provides instant relief from dark circles under the armpits.

Peel a squash, grate it, and put it in a mixer. Drain only the juice and apply it directly to the armpits. After 10-15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil, one of the essential oils, is not only good for darkening armpits, but also for removing odors from this area. The rheumatic and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil destroy the microbes that accumulate in the armpits and the antioxidants help to keep the skin healthy and free from problems for a longer period of time.

Mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water and apply this mixture regularly on your armpits. Because it is an essential oil, its use in some people may cause reactions or side effects. So be sure to do a patch test before you use it.


Cucumber extracts are rich in antioxidants. They are high in Vitamin A and C and are great for nourishing dark skin. Its collagen-binding properties help to brighten and brighten the skin.

Cut the cucumber into thick slices and rub on the blackened areas of your armpits. After that it can be kept here for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, a mineral found in aloe vera gel, is an enzyme that helps regulate skin pigmentation. It also contains antioxidants that can help you exfoliate your armpits. Remove the gel from the fresh aloe vera leaves and apply it directly on your armpits and keep for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. This can be repeated every day until the black color disappears.

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