It is also good to perform Ganapati Homa along with Shiva Dhara. It is good to please Ganesha when doing any good deeds.

It is always wonderful and comforting to see the divine form of Lord Shiva. When we look at the mysterious and majestic form of God, we gain confidence and worries disappear. In fact, rather than inspiring devotion, the image of Lord Shiva will open our eyes to some important aspects of our health.

Coarse hair
Shiva has beautiful curly hair. It is believed that happiness and peace increase when freely flowing hair is brought together to a point. It instructs us to maintain the unity of thought, word and deed, which are important for achieving health and happiness. There should always be a balance between thoughts and actions so that the mind can be at peace and avoid heart disease, irritability, acidity and headaches.

Third Eye
The third eye of Shiva signifies the importance of maintaining good health. If you always try to anticipate the consequences of your actions, you can be more careful in life. Stay away from habits and eating habits that can adversely affect your health.

The trident symbolizes the power to control your body, mind, and meaning through the use of the intellect. Use your wisdom to examine what you think, what you do, and how you feel. Once you control these tendencies and guide them to do the right things, you can easily achieve your health goals
If you decide something is right, do it. If you know something is wrong, stay away from it. Then you are happier and healthier.

Ideological position
In a busy life, we ​​don’t remember ourselves. Time is being wasted on work and other things. Sometimes when we introspect, at least when we are alone, we realize that what we are doing is right or wrong. This will help us to better understand our own behavior and actions. Meditation also helps to avoid gastric and heart problems.

All our illnesses are due to illness and hatred. Ashes remind us that everything in life is temporary and will disappear at some point. Therefore, there is no reason to feel jealousy or hatred, which can rob us of peace of mind. As things happen, we try our best to play our part, whether it is with people or life experiences. This positive attitude can help to alleviate many ailments and diseases in our bodies.

Blue neck
Lord Shiva swallowed the bull’s poison to save the world from its deadly attack. It still lingers in the Lord’s throat. It refers to the suppression of anger. Suppressing anger can cause anxiety, stress, and depression. Expressing it will make us panic and uncontrolled. Therefore, controlling it with adequate forethought can help us to avoid diseases like asthma and acidity.

Every physical and mental disorder starts with a feeling of dissatisfaction. Lord Shiva’s Damaru reminds us to shed unnecessary desires and keep the mind free and immaculate. This will lead to moderation in eating, avoiding junk food, and avoiding bad moods and anxious moods, thereby ensuring proper health and peace of mind.

The Ganges originates from the head
Maintaining the cleanliness of the body and mind is the key to lasting health. The Ganges is the symbol of holiness. It tells us to observe fasting to cleanse our digestive system; Follow clean habits to keep our body clean, do pranayama (breathing exercises) to cleanse our lungs, do physical exercises to cleanse our skin and muscles, and chant the divine name to keep our mind clean.

Snakes with necks
The snakes wrap around Shiva’s neck and remain there in peace. Once we get rid of our bad attitudes and maintain a balanced mindset, we can avoid conflicts with others. Such a peaceful state will keep you free from high blood pressure and heart disease

Closed eyes
Often life is very different. It always attracts us to the bad and unhealthy things in life. Despite the temptation to eat unhealthy foods or engage in harmful habits, we do many things in life that are not healthy for the mind and body. The eyes of Shiva tell us to stay away from the bad things in life and engage in the right actions and the right thoughts. This is the key to perfect health.

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