Super juices to drink in morning for weight loss and detoxification

The quality of our overall body depends on the kind of food we consume daily. Our choice of foods play an important role in moulding our health, So we must be judicious in planning our diet. And especially, those who are conscious about their weight and wish to burn extra kilos must carefully arrange a diet plan. Having  vegetable juices in the morning not only to shed kilos but also to detoxify their body. Know what juices you can include if you are on a weight-loss mode.

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Cucumber juice

Cucumbers are low-calorie vegetables which gives you a refreshing feeling when you consume them. They are packed with vital nutrients and antioxidants that helps metabolism. So a glass of fresh cucumber juice in the morning on an empty stomach or 30 minutes after breakfast works wonders. You may add a dash of lemon, salt and pepper for better taste.

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Beetroot juice

This is a nutritious vegetable juice  that boosts immunity, beetroots are also an ideal food for those who are on a weight-loss mode. This veggie,high in fibre and magnesium, helps in the burning excess fat and leucine, an amino acid in beets, reduces body fat, studies suggest.

Carrot juice

This tasty vegetable which has a distinct sweet taste helps the body in producing bile, content that burns fat and speeds up metabolism. This veggie is packed with fibres, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, manganese and magnesium, carotenoids that boost immunity and help in detoxification.

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Amla juice

Amla juice is highly potent and strong. 3-4 teaspoons of Amla extract mixed with water on an empty stomach is good enough for those who are weight conscious. It also boosts immunity, wards off infections/diseases and detoxifies it.

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