Dandruff’s discomfort is no more; Simple Beauty Tips

Dandruff is a common problem facing any age group. Is there any way to solve this problem and improve hair growth without time loss and over expense?? Yeah, there is an answer for this that is Castor oil.

Castor oil helps in relieving dandruff and improves hair health. Castor oil can be used more effectively by adding some other natural materials.

Castor oil, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil


It relieves dandruff, relieves scalp irritation and other discomforts.



Mix one and a half tablespoons of castor oil, three tablespoons of aloe vera gel and three drops of tea tree oil and rub it on your scalp and hair. After 45 minutes, you can wash your head with any natural shampoo. You can do this two or three times a week.

Castor oil, argan oil

Helps to remove dandruff and restore hair softness.


Add a tablespoon of argan oil to two tablespoons of castor oil. It can be heated before bed at night and applied to the head. You can wash your head with shampoo in the morning. Do this twice a week.

Castor oil, coconut oil, eggs

It helps to remove dandruff and gives softening and brightening of hair.


Add castor oil and coconut oil to the egg whites and beat well. Wait 30 minutes after applying it to your hair. Then wash your head with a less mild shampoo.

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