Home remedies for reducing eye strain when working from home

New Delhi: The unprecedented occurrence of a Pandemic has compelled people to work from home. Work from home, while it appeared to be a good break from the traditional 9-5, brought its own set of challenges. Work from home did not provide the relief that it was supposed to due to the increased working hours caused by the lack of a clear boundary between personal and professional life.


According to the CMR study, Indians’ average screen time has increased to 25%. In addition, 23% reported that their eyesight had deteriorated as a result of long work hours.


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science that focuses on restoring balance and treating the body holistically.

The key Ayurvedic herbs and practises shared by Ritika Krit, Founder, Kamree, that one can incorporate into their daily lives to reduce eye strain caused by electronics are as follows.

Icing or Sheeta Satmya: Consistent use of electronics causes eyelids to become dull and tired. Soak cotton balls in cool milk or rose water and place them on your eyes for a few minutes to counteract the effects of overwork. The exercise will provide much-needed relief for the eyes.


Palm Exercise: Palm exercise, also known as palming, is an ancient Ayurvedic technique for massaging and relaxing the eyes. Rub your arms together for 10 seconds before placing them in a cupping gesture over your closed eyes. Remember to avoid putting any strain on your eyes. Repeat the techniques 2-3 times while inhaling and exhaling slowly. The Ayurvedic exercise relieves eye strain and promotes restful sleep.

Calendula -Also known as “Pot Marigold,” calendula is an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial herb that helps in treating eye conditions such as redness, swelling, mild irritations,


Almonds -The most common ingredient to Indian households, almonds are a good source of Vitamin E, which promotes the growth of healthy tissues and great vision.

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