Scented candles to make your home smell pleasing

Candles can make your home smell pleasant and soothing. Fragrance of candles will make us relaxed and calm after a busy day. But there are different variety fragrances of candles that you can choose from to make your home smells good. So, here are different smells for candles for your home.


Lavender has soothing smell and is good for sound sleep, it release tension, and makes us destressed.  Use this candle to take the home décor to next level.

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Vanilla has calming properties, it relaxes our mind and relieves stress.  If your guests  foods, then vanilla is the right choice as it makes baked-goods like smell in the house.

Clary Sage

This gives a mild scent .It gives a sweeter and softer scent in your rooms enriched with herbal properties.

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