Why do children shuffle around in their sleep?

Children sleep the most soundly at night. Peaceful, deep, and stress-free. However, some children move a lot on the bed while sleeping, which makes parents wonder if they are getting enough rest. If this scenario seems familiar to you, you are not alone.

Is it something to worry about?

In their sleep, children, including infants, toddlers, and preteens, frequently take a tour of the entire bed. Don’t be concerned! This is a common behavior among children of all ages. Some children develop this tendency as soon as they can turn their bodies on their own, while others develop it later in life. It’s not out of the ordinary. Kids grow out of it after a certain age. Sleeping in the same position all night without moving is a talent that children develop over time.

When should you worry?

Moving around in bed while sleeping does not signal that the child is having difficulty sleeping or is not getting enough rest. However, if your child frequently wakes up in the middle of the night, appears exhausted, and grumpy, you should consult a doctor. These symptoms could point to a health problem.

Signs of sleep issue

Sleeping patterns in children alter as they grow older. Infants require more sleep than toddlers and preteens. While some movement at night is typical, you must monitor your child’s sleeping habits to see if there is a problem. The following are some frequent indications of sleep disruption caused by excessive movement:

Difficulty getting out of bed

Breathing problems or snoring



Breathing through the mouth

Causes of sleep issue

Several conditions can interfere with your child’s sleep. So, if you see anything or have any worries about your child’s sleeping routine, talk to your child’s healthcare practitioner about it. Some possible causes of your child’s sleep disruption include:

Apnea (sleep deprivation)

Sleep apnea can also cause agitation in children. It is a frequent sleep condition seen in both children and adults. It occurs when breathing ceases and resumes on its own during sleep. A partial or complete stoppage in breathing could be the cause.


Teens and preteens may experience sleep disturbances as a result of stress. Stress, anxiety, and trauma at school or at home may be difficult for them to overcome, resulting in nighttime tossing and turning.

RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome)

Restless Leg Syndrome is an unpleasant sensation that occurs in the leg, most often in the evening. Children may feel compelled to move their limbs repeatedly, which might disrupt their sleep.

Terrors at night

Nightmares or night terrors may cause your child to wake up multiple times while sleeping. They may be worried, disorderly, distressed, or perplexed.

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