Various methods for repelling mosquitoes in the home

Mosquito infestation is a major issue in nearly every home. Mosquitoes are vectors for a variety of chronic diseases. One solution is to keep your surroundings clean by avoiding water and sewage blockages. There are also mosquito repellent creams available. These can be taken as directed by a doctor. Other natural remedies that anyone can try at home are listed below.

1.Sambrani and Camphor (benzoin)

During a mosquito infestation, camphor can be smoked. Sambrani is also a good player.

2.Neem leaf

Fill a spray bottle with neem extract and saturate mosquito breeding grounds with it. Camphor powder can also be added.


Lemongrass essence is pleasant to the senses and can be sprayed at home. Growing it in your garden is also a good option. Its oil can also be burned on an oil burner.


In times of mosquito infestation, heat a small amount of garlic in a pan. Mosquitoes are repelled by its odour.


Pepper The scent of pepper is also effective at repelling mosquitoes. There is black pepper oil on the market. It will also help to reduce mosquito infestation if you put it in an oil burner.

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