According to Veena George, a route map of the Nipah victim will be published

Kozhikode: Health Minister Veena George has announced that the root map of a 12-year-old boy who died of Nipah infection on Sunday will be made public. She also stated that those who had close contact with the deceased would be isolated and that protocol would be followed. The minister also stated that the boy was not infected with Covid-19.

The authorities are currently preparing the deceased’s contact list, and the list of primary contacts is complete. Attempts are also being made to track down the disease’s origin. According to the minister, reviews are being conducted in this regard.

The medical personnel who treated the child were also asked to remain in isolation. A route map will be created that details the child’s travel history, including the vehicles used.

The child went to the hospital on August 27 after developing a fever. He was later transferred from medical school to a private hospital. The health minister stated that an investigation would be conducted to determine why the disease could not be detected at the medical college itself.

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