Learn about borderline personality disorder and the symptoms to look for

Do you have a sense of emptiness, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and a fear of being alone? Do you worry about what others think of you and find it difficult to feel a certain way for others? If you answered yes, you may be suffering from a borderline personality disorder (BPD).

While most of us dismiss such feelings as part of daily stress and anxiety, and BPD is the last thing that comes to mind, the shocking fact is that it is more common than you might think.

Mental health conditions such as BPD are on the rise as a result of people’s stressful lifestyles.

If you have BPD, you may experience the following symptoms:

A sense of emptiness.

You are terrified of being alone.

Lack of self-assurance.

Having difficulty maintaining relationships.

People are being pushed away from your life.

Extreme mood swings.

Extreme feelings.

Anger is uncontrollable and unexplained.

Problems with one’s self-image.

While you may believe that BPD is simply a case of overpowering emotions, it is far more serious than that. Suicidal thoughts may develop in people suffering from such conditions over time. When left alone, they may even attempt to harm themselves. Cuts, burns, and frequent bruises on the face, hands, or legs may be signs of self-harm. This is frequently done as punishment for something they believe has been done incorrectly.

That’s not all. Because of their aggressive nature, people with BPD may end up losing friends. Such people may experience loneliness as a result of self-image issues and severe and consistent mood swings. Their loved ones may be oblivious to their mental state and may even abandon them.

People with BPD may also exhibit unnecessary and inappropriate anger. Even the smallest thing can set them off, and they may react aggressively to situations and people.

While the causes of BPD are unknown, certain treatments and therapies can help people with the disorder. However, it is critical to recognise early warning signs and seek immediate assistance to avoid the risk of suicide and self-harm.

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