3 Ways to Determine Whether Your Marriage Is Turning Toxic

Taunts, squabbles, savage fights, and emotional abuse If this is a daily occurrence in your marriage, it is not because you are at fault or are insufficient. It simply indicates that you are in a toxic marriage or that your marriage is on the verge of becoming one.

However, even with ample evidence, we sometimes struggle to determine whether we are overthinking and overreacting or if our marriage is truly toxic.

You feel worthless

If you end up feeling worthless and self-conscious, it’s a sign of toxicity in the marriage. A marriage is supposed to make you feel powerful, confident, and stronger; if it contradicts this, it’s nothing more than a red flag. If you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, it’s not natural guilt and embarrassment; it’s something that has been forced upon you.

Your opinions don’t count

If your opinions aren’t valued or even heard, and you’re made to feel incapable of making suggestions or even discussing your in-laws’ family matters, you’re in a toxic marriage where you’re nothing more than a mere object. If this is something that has never happened before and has only recently begun to occur, don’t dismiss it as a phase. It’s a sign that your marriage is deteriorating and that you are no longer valued.

Your task is to only complete household chores

If you are perceived as a person whose sole responsibility is to care for the family and complete daily chores, and anything beyond that is a man’s responsibility, you are undoubtedly a victim of a toxic marriage. If you lose your identity and are expected to cook and serve meals, do laundry and dishes, and keep the house clean even when you don’t want to, this is both physical and emotional abuse. While most women see it as their duty to care for their families and do so voluntarily, doing so under duress or because you are made to believe it is your sole responsibility is a sign of disrespect for you and indicates that you are in a toxic marriage.

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