Reduction in Cooking Gas Prices Implemented Today

Starting today, there will be a decrease in the prices of cooking gas cylinders. The central government’s recent announcement regarding a subsidy of Rs. has led to this change. As a result, the cost of a cylinder priced at Rs 1110 will now be Rs 910, with Ujwala Yojana plan participants receiving a discount of Rs 400.

The subsidy introduced by the central government for LPG is seen as a relief for the public, given the substantial price hikes. A subsidy of Rs. 200 has been sanctioned, resulting in a reduction of Rs. 200 for domestic cooking gas cylinder consumers. In Kerala, where the current price of a cylinder is Rs. 1110, the new price will be Rs. 910.

When considering the new benefit, the cylinder’s cost will be effectively reduced by Rs. 400. Additionally, the Prime Minister has announced the provision of 75 lakh new gas connections free of charge through the Ujjwala Yojana initiative. This decision was taken during the Union Cabinet meeting held today, with Minister Anurag Thakur providing a response. It’s noteworthy that the price of LPG cylinders was raised by Rs. 50 in July and twice in May.

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