Back pain : Here are some tips to keep this lifestyle disease away

Back pain has become a very common issue. It is caused mostly by our lifestyle. Back pain symptoms can range in intensity from mild to severe. Low Back Strain One of the main causes of back pain, whether acute or chronic, is low back strain. Nighttime Back Pain Nighttime back pain is a special type of lower back pain that could indicate a serious problem with your spine.

if you are experiencing pain that shoots down into your leg, especially all the way to the bottom of your leg. This could indicate something more serious than a strained muscle, such as a damaged disk in your back. Numbness, tingling, or weakness.

It is normally caused in the back caused by degenerative changes, injury, swelling or rarely, cancer. It usually indicate a strain of the back muscles. There are nearly 200 muscles in the back that maintain the upright posture. Back pain can be caused by carrying heavy weight, lifting from an awkward position, or overexertion of the back muscles.

A direct injury to the back or degenerative changes in the bones of the spinal cord, due to age, could also cause backache.

Usually, the lower part of the back is involved and the pain worsens when a person bends forward. The muscles of the back may become weak and tender. Backache because of age-related changes may radiate to the legs due to pressure on the spinal nerves.


The treatment of back pain includes consumption of pain relief medicines like ibuprofen or paracetamol, reduce the swelling and are usually given three to four times a day. Local application of heat by a hot water bottle or heating pad helps to relieve pain.

Physiotherapy in the form of diathermy or ultrasound may help in pain relief. Complete bed rest is not required but exercise and exertion must be avoided until completely well. The sleeping position that is most comfortable is usually on the side. The mattress or bedding should provide a firm support or should be reinforced with a board.

The best way to prevent backaches is to care for the back by keeping the back muscles in excellent physical condition. This requires back and abdominal exercises as a daily regiment. Sit-ups, leg raises, flattening the back and tucking the legs to the chest strengthen the muscles. These exercises should be avoided during active back pain, but the stretching exercises can be continued.

Recommended Exercises –

Side-to-side twist: Still lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Keeping both shoulders on the ground, roll your bent knees to one side, holding them there for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Run through the series two or three times.

Bridge : Still lying on your back with your feet flat on floor, lift your hips and torso off the floor into a bridge. Then interlace your hands underneath your hips and press your shoulders and upper arms into the floor, lifting your hips higher. Hold for 10 seconds. Lower yourself slowly back down, rolling down from the top of your spine to your tailbone. Repeat three times.

Cat-cow : Start on all fours, with palms and knees on the ground. Slowly arch your back, tilt your butt up and look up at the ceiling so you make a C curve with your torso. Return to the neutral starting position, then tilt your pelvis down and gaze at the floor near your feet, so your body reverses the C curve the other way. Return to neutral and repeat the series three times.

Seated twists : Sitting on the floor, cross your right leg over your left leg. Bracing your left elbow against the outside of your right knee, twist to the side, holding the stretch for 10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side and cycle through three times on each side.

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