The Truth About Drinking Lukewarm Water: World Water Day Insights

World Water Day prompts us to consider the benefits of drinking lukewarm water, a habit embraced by many for its purported health advantages. While staying hydrated is crucial for overall well-being and weight management, experts caution against excessive consumption of lukewarm water. Overindulgence can compromise the immune system, damage tissue in the oesophagus, and interfere with digestion by diluting stomach acid. Moreover, inadequate replenishment of electrolytes due to excessive water intake may lead to imbalances and conditions like hyponatremia.

To harness the benefits of lukewarm water without risking adverse effects, moderation is key. Starting the day with a glass of lukewarm water infused with lemon can aid digestion and provide a dose of vitamin C. It’s vital to listen to your body’s cues and consume lukewarm water when thirsty or in need of hydration throughout the day. Balancing water intake with electrolyte-rich foods ensures proper hydration without risking imbalances. Additionally, individual hydration needs vary based on factors like age, weight, and activity level, highlighting the importance of adjusting water intake accordingly and incorporating it into a healthy lifestyle.

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