India’s First Woman Deep Sea Fisher Faces Hardship After Boat Mishap

Rekha Karthikeyan, heralded as India’s first woman to receive a deep sea fishing license, now finds herself in dire straits after a tragic mishap at sea. Just a month ago, her fibreglass boat, along with crucial equipment including nets and engines valued at over six lakh rupees, sank during a fishing expedition. This devastating loss was not just a setback but a severe financial blow, compounded by the fact that these assets were acquired through loans and with the support of friends.

The incident unfolded on June 3 when Rekha’s husband, accompanied by two others, ventured out early morning amidst heavy rain and turbulent seas. Due to illness, Rekha had stayed ashore. Their fishing nets, brimming with a promising catch, threatened to drag the boat under, forcing them to cut loose. In the midst of this crisis, the boat began to capsize, prompting desperate cries for help. Although they managed to reach a nearby fishing vessel, efforts to tow their stricken boat back ended tragically when the rescue rope snapped, and the boat sank.

For Rekha, who had been striving to rebuild her life after her husband’s heart surgery, this incident is a devastating setback. It marks a stark contrast to the hope she had held since obtaining her deep sea fishing license six years ago. Hailing from Chettuva Engandiyoor Ethai Beach, where only two houses remain after relentless sea erosion, Rekha has been a resilient figure in her community. Her livelihood and the well-being of her four daughters depend heavily on fishing, supplemented by occasional earnings from clamming during lean fishing seasons.

Speaking about the ordeal, Rekha expressed relief that her husband survived, but she now faces overwhelming challenges. The financial strain includes ensuring her children’s education, managing medical expenses, and repaying debts. She has reached out to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund and the Fisheries Department, hopeful for assistance during this critical period.

Rekha’s story resonates not only as a pioneering fisherwoman but as a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity, reflecting the harsh realities faced by coastal communities dependent on the sea for their livelihoods.

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