Breakfast foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

Slim and fit body is everyone’s dream. To lose weight many skip breakfast, but this can actually hinder your health. If you don’t eat the a.m. meal, you might become hungry later on and end up snacking on high-fat, high-sugar foods. Health experts says that people who skip breakfast are more prone to weight gain, as it compels them to eat more during lunch. Breakfast helps kick-start your metabolism, gives you the energy you need for the day ahead. But here are some foods that you should take off your plate for breakfast.

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Pancakes and Waffles

Pancakes, waffles and other baked food items are usually made with refined grains, which are stripped of valuable nutrients including fibre in the refining process. You can enjoy these delicious breakfast foods by making pancakes and waffles made from whole-wheat or whole-grains.

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Packaged or Flavored Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a good breakfast option if you’re trying to lose weight, but not the packaged ones filled with sugar. A small flavored oatmeal packet may have 8 grams of added sugar and minimal fiber or protein. It will be digested faster and you will be left feeling hungry soon after. Plus, your blood sugar could low.


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