Elon Musk Drops Lawsuit Against OpenAI Without Explanation

Elon Musk has abruptly dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI, just before a scheduled hearing on the case. The lawsuit, filed in February in San Francisco Superior Court, accused OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman of straying from the company’s founding principles of benefiting humanity rather than prioritizing profits.

Musk’s lawsuit centered on allegations that OpenAI, which he helped finance, violated an agreement to remain a nonprofit organization committed to developing technology for public benefit and keeping its code open-source. Musk claimed that OpenAI’s close relationship with Microsoft and its shift towards profit-driven operations were a betrayal of these original commitments.

The legal action included claims of breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and unfair business practices. However, most legal experts considered Musk’s chances of success in court to be slim. On Tuesday, Musk’s lawyer filed a notice to dismiss the case without providing any explanation. Neither Musk nor his representatives attended the status hearing on Wednesday.

OpenAI had previously sought to have the lawsuit dismissed and released emails from Musk expressing support for making the company a for-profit entity. Both Musk’s legal team and OpenAI have yet to comment on the sudden dismissal of the lawsuit.

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