Andaman and Nicobar Islands Set Sight on Underwater Guinness World Records

Andaman and Nicobar Islands are preparing to attempt underwater Guinness World Records to promote the archipelago as a premier diving destination, according to officials from the tourism department. Lt Governor Admiral (Retired) D K Joshi has initiated discussions with relevant authorities and stakeholders to realize this initiative, aiming to showcase the islands’ natural beauty and adventure potential.

Vishwendra, Secretary of the Directorate of Information, Publicity, and Tourism Office (IP&T) in Port Blair, highlighted the strategic intent behind this endeavor. “The objective is to elevate Andaman and Nicobar Islands to the global stage for diving tourism and overall tourism promotion,” he stated. Besides beach activities, the focus will be on popularizing the diverse diving sites and emphasizing the unique opportunities for adventure tourism along the Indian Ocean rim.

The IP&T is currently reviewing past Guinness World Records related to underwater activities to identify suitable categories for the attempt. The application will be coordinated by local administration with support from entities like the Andaman Nicobar Command, Andaman Chamber of Commerce, and certification bodies such as PADI, SSI, and NIWS.

Air Marshal Saju Balakrishnan, Commander-In-Chief of the Andaman and Nicobar Command (CINCAN), will oversee the entire process. Vishwendra encouraged adventure enthusiasts to explore the islands, describing them as among the world’s best scuba diving destinations. “I urge thrill-seekers and those seeking an adventurous life to visit Andaman and Nicobar Islands and explore their depths,” he added.

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