Bird Flu: Rain Hampers Culling Efforts, Disposal of Carcasses a Major Challenge

The culling of birds in Alappuzha district to contain the spread of bird flu is being severely hampered by continuous rains. The culling process, currently underway in Pallipuram, Vayalar, and Thaikkattussery panchayats, faces delays, especially in small farms and household premises. Dr. Rema, Chief Veterinary Officer of Alappuzha, noted that while large farms are less affected, smaller setups face significant delays due to the rain.

In Pallipuram, only about 10,000 of the planned 33,699 birds were culled and disposed of on Tuesday, with similar numbers achieved on Wednesday. Dr. Joy Francis, District Animal Husbandry Officer, explained that 20 teams are working tirelessly despite the challenges. Rain-induced waterlogging and difficulties in accessing individual homes in low-lying areas slow down the process. Additionally, disposing of carcasses becomes problematic as dampened firewood and limited ability to dig deep enough burial holes in Kuttanad’s low-lying areas add to the delay.

The meticulous protocols followed by the high-level officials involved in the culling also contribute to the slower pace. Ward 15 member K K Shiji of Pallipuram Panchayat highlighted the emotional toll on small farmers who lose their entire stock of birds due to these precautionary measures.

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