Actor Vijay’s Party to Contest Assembly Elections Independently, Seeman’s Party Also Going Solo

Actor Vijay’s political outfit, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, has decided to contest the upcoming assembly elections in Tamil Nadu independently, diverging from earlier plans to ally with Seeman’s Naam Tamilar Katchi. This strategic shift marks a significant move for Vijay’s party, which is gearing up for its first electoral test. The decision comes amidst ongoing efforts to expand their voter base by enrolling an additional 1.5 crore members before the elections. By opting to go solo, Vijay aims to consolidate his party’s position and mobilize youth support, potentially reshaping the political landscape in Tamil Nadu.

In response to Vijay’s decision, Seeman has affirmed that Naam Tamilar Katchi will also contest the elections independently if no alliance is formed. Seeman’s party has been steadily gaining traction in recent elections, particularly among younger voters disillusioned with traditional Dravidian parties. With a track record of increasing vote share and securing victories in local elections, Naam Tamilar Katchi poses a credible challenge to established political entities like the DMK and AIADMK. As Tamil Nadu gears up for the 2026 assembly polls, the political dynamics are set to intensify with both Vijay and Seeman focusing on strengthening their respective party bases independently.

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