Raw Dogging: Exploring the Unplugged Travel Trend

Raw dogging, a burgeoning travel trend, involves flying without engaging in typical distractions like movies, music, reading, or even eating and drinking. Instead, enthusiasts focus on staying entirely unplugged, often referring to it as a meditative and mentally challenging experience. Originating from a term associated with unprotected sexual intercourse, raw dogging in travel now denotes a deliberate choice to resist all forms of external stimulation during flights. Participants take pride in achieving personal milestones by completely disconnecting from digital devices and external distractions, viewing it as a test of mental discipline.

Those embracing the raw dogging trend view it as a triumph over the constant urge to stay entertained and distracted. Methods vary from meditation and introspection to simply observing surroundings and fellow passengers. For some, it’s a deliberate mental health exercise, pushing boundaries to see how their minds cope without usual stimuli. Interestingly, activities like reading, sleeping, or conversing with fellow passengers are considered “cheating” in the context of raw dogging, as adherents strive to achieve a state of doing nothing while remaining fully awake.

While raw dogging garners attention for its novelty and mental resilience aspects, aviation health experts caution against neglecting basic needs like hydration during flights. Despite the trend’s focus on minimalism, maintaining proper hydration (approximately one cup of water per hour) and occasional stretching are essential for passengers to stay relaxed and healthy throughout their journey. Balancing the allure of unplugged travel experiences with essential health practices ensures travelers can enjoy the benefits of both mental challenge and physical well-being.

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