Driving License Revocation for Red Signal Violation: Strict Measures Enforced

Stringent measures are in place to address the violation of red signals, leading to the revocation of driving licenses. Authorities have issued clear directives to Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) to take decisive action against offenders caught by traffic officers. Reckless driving that breaches the law and puts others at risk, resulting in license suspension, will not be tolerated.

Additionally, cases captured by surveillance cameras will also face severe consequences, including potential license suspension. This protocol adheres to regulations established in 2017, ensuring a consistent approach to violations.

Previously, licenses were suspended for various reasons such as careless driving, driving under the influence, speeding, mobile phone use while driving, and vehicle practice sessions. However, a new development is the suspension of licenses for those who defy red signals.

The process involves enforcement RTOs responding to camera and mobile evidence recorded by designated officers stationed at significant traffic intersections across each district.

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