There are various types of males you will encounter in your life

Throughout our dating and relationship phases, we meet many types of guys that have an impact on us in some way. Each man is distinct, whether it’s their charming nature or their irritating attitude. If the men you are drawn to always hurt you in the end, you should reconsider your choices. As a result, we provide to you the most prevalent sorts of guys you will encounter in your life, as well as how to detect them.

The emotionally unavailable one

This kind of man will not be there for you when you need him the most. He’ll try to make up reasons for his absence. You’ll see that he’ll want to resurrect his past because he’s still not over his previous relationship and ex. He’s only there to pass the time, which is a massive red flag.

The narcissist one

He will try to persuade you to like him so much that you will begin to ignore all of the bad or red flags in the relationship. This type of man will want to exert control over everything, including your decisions, choices, and even your ideas. You’ll have to overcome his critical and shy personality.

The cool one

Understand that it is never your responsibility to ‘repair’ someone, no matter how damaged they are on the inside. They should seek the assistance of their partner in order to feel better and validated. For emotional affirmation, this type of man will cling to you. You’ll always be under pressure to make him feel driven and wonderful, rather than yourself.

The one who needs fixing

He’s dashing, self-assured, and unbelievably gorgeous. This type of man is the life of the party wherever he goes, and being around him gives you a surge of adrenaline and allows you to do things you never thought you could do. When you’re with him, it’s almost as if you’re in another planet, which may either be good to you or absolutely destroy you.

The one who fears commitments

This man may like you with all his heart, yet he will refuse to commit to you because he suffers from a severe phobia of obligations. It can be extremely frustrating to be with someone who refuses to even consider the possibility of love. He defends his concern by stating, “I haven’t met the proper person yet,” despite the fact that he has. Making plans for the future with this man is pointless.

The blame-game one

He is obsessed with blaming others for his blunders. This type of man spares no one when it comes to blaming his mistakes on others, including the one he loves. He may also frighten you into thinking it was your fault. His criticism may be too much to bear. Be wary of him since he will end up causing you self-esteem difficulties.

If you have met or are in a relationship with any of these men, you should reconsider your decision.

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