Essential Healthcare Devices Every Household Should Have

In every household, it’s essential to have a set of healthcare devices that can provide rudimentary health information before consulting a doctor. While self-medication and relying solely on internet resources are not advisable, having basic health data can assist doctors in diagnosis. Here are six must-have healthcare devices for every household:

Portable ECG Monitor: These monitors, available as smartphone apps or in smartwatches like the Apple Watch and Fitbit, track heart rhythm and detect anomalies.

Blood Pressure Monitor: Compact electronic devices for tracking blood pressure are affordable and readily available.

Pulse Oximeter: Measures oxygen saturation levels in the blood, crucial for monitoring respiratory health, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Glucometer: Essential for diabetic patients to monitor blood sugar levels and take necessary precautions.

Contactless IR Thermometer: Allows for easy monitoring of body temperature without physical contact, vital for assessing fever, especially in children.

Medical Alert System: Provides immediate assistance during medical emergencies, particularly useful for elderly family members. Some systems also automatically notify hospitals and ambulance services, ensuring timely intervention.

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