Expert advice on how to get over an ex!

Breakups. The thing that jolts us to our core. Some of us see it coming, while others are completely caught off guard. Regardless of how it occurs, the pain that follows is equivalent to walking around with a pit in your stomach. And, while some of us wallow while others attempt to mask the pain, it’s all traumatising. Here are a few pointers from relationship expert Shahzeen Shivdasani to help you get over your breakup and, more importantly, your ex.

NO contact rule!

Please do not contact them! Breaking up with someone is like starting over, and the longer you put it off, the more difficult it will be to do so. By not contacting them, you are giving yourself the opportunity to be alone and contemplate your next steps. And, while it is a truly terrifying thought, you must confront it. The only way to begin again is to let that part of your life go.

It’s okay to be lost

You are bound to feel completely lost within yourself if you cut the person off. After all, it had been a significant part of your life. Friendships, memories, and building castles in the sky for your future are difficult to let go of. However, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to figure out what your next step should be or where your life should go from here. Take things one day at a time and concentrate on healing. Life has a funny way of revealing opportunities and directing you to the next step. Have faith in the process.

Reconnect with friends

If you’ve already spent a month eating ice cream and venting to your friends, you’ll want to get up and do something new. Reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in a while, make new ones, or plan a fun activity with the ones you already have. Make an effort to dress up and reintroduce yourself. You don’t have to be ready to date again right away. But, at the very least, give yourself the opportunity to make an evening exciting again with whomever you spend it with.


Do NOT stalk them on social media

While you’re healing and attempting to forge a new path for yourself, cut all ties with your ex by refraining from stalking their social media. You’ll most likely find something that triggers you because you’re secretly looking for something to trigger you by wanting to know how they’re doing without you. However, this is no longer your concern. Every day, your company focuses on how you can bring more positivity into your life.

Food and exercise


Exercising simply makes you feel better. We don’t always realize the benefits of working out, but if you look at your mood right after a workout, you’ll notice that you feel more confident and optimistic about life. It increases your energy levels by releasing endorphins. It’s understandable if you’re not ready to do this in the beginning. However, once you’re feeling a little better, push yourself!

It is difficult to move on from an ex. I also want you to know that there is no time limit on how quickly this must be completed. Most importantly, remember that the pain will come in waves, but it will eventually pass.


The thing about time is that it takes time.






















































































































































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