A useful guide on how to naturally stop hair loss and regrow hair

Many men and women regard their hair as their crowning glory, so dealing with unexpected hair loss can seem impossible. After all, not only do good hair days boost one’s confidence, but hair care is also an important part of everyone’s daily routine. As a result, losing your hair can feel like a disaster. We’ve compiled a list of useful tips for naturally regrowing your hair. If these do not work for you, it is best to identify the root cause of the hair loss so that you can work to correct it as soon as possible.

1. A healthy diet is an important part of hair care. You should particularly include foods high in Vitamin A, C, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, as these will nourish your tresses.

2. Harsh chemicals in your shampoo may be doing more harm than good, so switch to organic shampoo to make a positive difference.

3. It is recommended to juice an onion and use the extract to liberally coat your hair. Allow the onion juice to sit in your hair for at least 30 minutes before washing it out.

4. Fermented rice water is also beneficial to lifeless hair. Simply soak rice in a few cups of water for 15 minutes before draining and storing it for 48 hours. Use fermented rice water to wash your scalp and hair to encourage growth.

How to tell if your hair loss was caused by a genetic condition

There are genetic factors that can act as a trigger at times. Men may be predisposed to male pattern baldness if their fathers or male members of their clan have been balding for a long time. Such conditions are difficult to reverse, but you can work to find a long-term solution for male pattern baldness. Some people, on the other hand, have a family history of alopecia. They discover that they are consistently losing hair until they are bald. For some, this begins at a young age, while for others, it begins later in life.


Other conditions, such as PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), can also cause hair loss, so you should consult a trichologist to better understand your situation and work toward a solution.

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