Sunspot AR 3664: Radiation Threatens Earth; Satellites and Electrical Grid at Risk

Electromagnetic radiation from a massive sunspot, known as AR 3664, has raised concerns as it is approximately 15 times the size of Earth. This phenomenon has also led to the spectacular occurrence of Aurora, commonly known as the Northern Lights. The intense X-class radiation emitted by the sunspot has caused radio blackouts in regions spanning Europe, Africa, and Japan. The activity intensified with two solar winds occurring on the 7th and 8th of the current month, prompting further concerns for today and tomorrow. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a warning regarding this situation. To monitor the changes in solar wind, the Solar Wind Electron Energy Probe and Solar Wind Iron Composition Analyzer onboard ISRO’s solar mission Aditya-L1 are actively engaged.

The sun undergoes a complete reversal of its magnetic field every eleven years due to disturbances caused by charged particles. This reversal results in the formation of sunspots, with solar flares being the most violent eruptions among them. The electromagnetic radiation emitted during these events travels at the speed of light, reaching Earth within eight minutes. Additionally, magnetic and plasma flows from the Sun’s outer layer, known as the corona, result in coronal mass ejections. When these collide with Earth’s magnetic field, they trigger magnetic storms and colorful auroras, such as the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) at the North Pole and the aurora australis at the South Pole. Notably, the Northern Lights were visible in various countries on Friday.

The intensified solar activity poses threats to satellites and astronauts in space. Furthermore, disruptions in internet connectivity, airline services, GPS systems, power grids, electronic devices, communication networks, and digital transactions are anticipated. The AR 3664 sunspot is of significant size, spanning an area of approximately two lakh kilometers. It is essential to view such phenomena only through specialized filter glasses designed for observing solar eclipses.

The historic Carrington Event of 1859 serves as a reminder of the potential impact of solar storms. Named after the British scientist Richard Carrington, this event featured the strongest solar wind recorded in history. It disrupted the Earth’s magnetic field and led to disturbances in the telegraph networks across the US and Europe, as well as disruptions in power supply.

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