Impending Employment Sector Overhaul in UAE Sparks Concerns for Expats

The Gulf has long been a destination for job seekers from Kerala, with many Malayalis establishing themselves in the UAE over the years. However, labour experts in the region are warning of potential challenges ahead for aspiring expatriates. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a dominant force in today’s world is reshaping job markets globally, and the UAE is no exception.

AI technology has become ubiquitous, powering everything from smartphones to social media platforms. Career experts stress the importance of individuals being proficient in AI to secure job opportunities in the evolving landscape. Presently, more than 40 percent of the global workforce is linked to AI, with developed countries leading the charge at over 60 percent.

In the UAE, the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence project aims to explore the potential of AI technology. As part of this initiative, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers will be appointed in all government institutions in Dubai, and AI and Web3 incubators will be established. Additionally, AI Week will be implemented across educational institutions to foster awareness and understanding of AI’s impact.

Experts emphasize the need for organizations and workers to adapt to AI, as job roles and opportunities continue to evolve. It is projected that around 40 percent of jobs will be AI-related in the future, reshaping the job market significantly. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, likened the impact of AI to a tsunami that will fundamentally reshape the employment landscape.

Furthermore, there is anticipation of a surge in job opportunities within the AI field itself. Roles such as developers and data analysts are expected to see significant growth as technology advances. As AI continues to advance, the nature of work and the roles of workers will inevitably undergo transformation, presenting both challenges and opportunities for job seekers and organizations alike.

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