Slovak Prime Minister Shooting Suspect Identified as 71-Year-Old Writer

A suspect detained for the shooting of Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico has been identified as a 71-year-old writer from the heart of the European nation, according to statements made by the interior minister on Wednesday. The incident occurred in the town of Handlova, where the suspect was apprehended at the scene of the shooting.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok confirmed reports identifying the detained man, who was seen with grey hair being handcuffed on the ground shortly after Fico was shot multiple times following a government meeting. Late Wednesday, officials announced that Fico, a populist leader, was in critical condition.

Media reports have shed light on the suspect, revealing him as a founder of the DUHA (Rainbow) Literary Club hailing from the town of Levice. Notably, he has authored three poetry collections and holds membership in the official Association of Slovak Writers.

The association, taking to Facebook, acknowledged his membership since 2015 and emphasized that if his role as the suspected shooter is confirmed, his membership will be promptly revoked.

The suspect’s son, speaking to Slovak news outlet, expressed bewilderment regarding his father’s actions, stating ignorance about his intentions or plans leading up to the incident. He disclosed that his father legally owned a firearm.

Regarding any animosity toward Fico, the son clarified that his father did not support the prime minister politically.

Vlasta Kollarova, the head of a local library in the suspect’s hometown, described him as rebellious in his youth but not aggressive.

Numerous political statements attributed to the suspect have surfaced on social media platforms. In one video from eight years ago, he expressed concerns about violence, weapons, immigration, and extremism. He mentioned founding a “Movement Against Violence” in Levice, which aims to curb violence in society and prevent war in Europe.

The movement, with a dedicated Facebook page, defines itself as a political party striving to combat violence and hatred in society.

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