Kerala State Electricity Board Plans to Rehire Retirees Amid Staff Shortage

The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) is grappling with a significant staff shortage as 1,099 employees are set to retire in May. The impending retirements, particularly of linemen and workers in various designations, have raised concerns about maintaining operational efficiency, especially during the summer period when electricity demand typically peaks.

Due to the absence of new recruitment initiatives, KSEB has decided to address the shortage by rehiring retired personnel on a daily wage basis. Retired individuals up to the age of 65 are eligible for appointment, with a daily wage set at Rs 750. This move aims to fill the immediate gap in staffing and ensure the continuity of essential services.

Last year, 899 employees retired from the state electricity board around the same time, highlighting an ongoing trend of workforce turnover. Disputes over qualifications have further delayed new appointments, prompting KSEB management to hold off reporting vacancies to the Public Service Commission (PSC) until staff reorganization plans are finalized.

Currently, KSEB has 28,044 employees, slightly below the 30,321 sanctioned positions by the Regulatory Commission. However, with the impending retirements, the workforce is expected to shrink further. Key positions, including linemen, overseers, chief engineers, and deputy chief engineers, are among those affected by the retirements, posing operational challenges in maintaining the electricity grid’s reliability.

The decision to rehire retirees on a temporary basis underscores the urgent need to address staffing gaps within KSEB and mitigate the impact of retirements on its operations. However, concerns persist about the willingness of retirees to return to work under the offered daily wage, highlighting the need for sustainable workforce management strategies in the long term.

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