World Hypertension Day : The best ways to control this growing issue

World Hypertension Day 2019 is observed on May 17. With medical advancement progressing each day, people with hypertension are able to take multiple steps, to regulate their blood pressure. However, poor lifestyle practices come in the way and many fail to keep their blood pressure under control.

This theme for World Hypertension Day is “Know Your Numbers”. The theme aims to make more people aware about checking and regulating blood pressure.

Role of regular exercise

Regular exercise is important for people with hypertension. You need not necessarily go to a gym or run marathons. Even moderate physical activity (90 minutes of high intensity exercise or 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise) can help in keeping your blood pressure under control. Aerobic exercises and light weight training can be beneficial for your blood pressure.

Performing household chores regularly, engaging in sports like basketball or tennis is really useful. Besides that climbing stairs, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and light Weight Training are also good.

Doctor’s approval must be taken before doing any exercises. They know about the rate to be followed and age-specified rate so that you can achieve the best result, without exerting further pressure.

Importance of diet

Discuss your lifestyle in detail with your doctor. It will help in drafting him the most appropriate diet and exercise plan for you.

People with high blood pressure should follow the DASH diet as recommended by their doctor/dietitian. These experts help in planning your meals and also guide you in terms of the number of calories you need to consume on a daily basis, to maintain a healthy weight.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, for regulating high blood pressure. The DASH diet focuses on the consumption of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy. This is due to the key nutrients available in the diet, such as protein, fibre, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

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