Everything you need to know about keto diet

A keto diet is one of those food pattern that are very low on carb and high on fats. It limits the consumption of carbs to around 20 grams per day. When a person is on a keto diet, his/her body receives low carbs, more protein and  fat. So in the absence of carbs, the body starts burning the fats to generate energy.

As a result, the person starts losing weight as the fat deposition starts shrinking. People on this diet avoid eating grains, legumes, dairy products such as cottage cheese, yoghurt, fruits and vegetables that contain carbs.

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Side effects

Keto flu

When a person adopts a keto diet, he or she may fall sick. This is called keto flu. They might experience symptoms like fatigue, gastrointestinal discomfort, morning sickness etc. This happens because the body experiences a sudden change in the diet, which in turn, disturbs the digestive tract.

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Absence of fibre and carbs might lead to constipation. It affects the digestive tract, and you may feel a constant discomfort because of a troubled stomach.

Kidney problems

A person on a keto diet may develop kidney stone problems. High consumption of animal protein and deficiency of vital nutrients available from plant-foods can hamper the health of the kidneys.

Low blood sugar

Absence of carbs can affect the blood sugar level. People on a keto diet could be at risk for low blood sugar.

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Deficiency of vital nutrients

Avoiding intake of several foods that are good for the health, a person on a keto-diet could suffer from deficiencies of vital nutrients.

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