Back pain- Read to know how it affects us and tips to stay out of back pain

Back pain is one of the top causes of missing work and important commitments. Weak bones, strain on muscles and ligaments can be linked to back issues. Symptoms of back issues range from dull ache to stabbing or shooting sensation in your back.

Types and causes of back pain

Desk jobs and jobs that involve heavy lifting

Your job can be responsible for causing you back issues. The human body is designed to move more and sit less. But thanks to 8, 9 and even 10 hours shifts in desk jobs, moving more and sitting less hardly seems possible. For every 30 minutes of sitting, you just should stand up straight on your feet, without leaning or taking support, for 3 minutes. This can help you beat the ill effects of desk jobs and also back issues.

Also, lifting heavy objects regularly or as part of your job can put you at risk of back pain. Avoid carrying too heavy bags to your workplace to prevent back issues.

Overtraining or not doing exercises with the right technique
We have mentioned it before that rest and recovery are as important as working out regularly. Without giving your body sufficient time for rest and recovery, you are at risk of back pain, muscle sprains, and injury. Also, you might get back pain because of not doing exercises properly or doing them with the wrong technique.

Sciatic nerve pain

Back pain can be related to a disc that bulges or ruptures. If a bulging or ruptured disc presses the sciatic nerve, the pain may run from your buttocks to one leg. This is known as sciatic nerve pain.

Being overweight or obese

Being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle and obesity also puts you at risk of back pain. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce back issues.

Poor posture

If you have a bad posture or slouch when you sit, then it may be the cause behind constant back issue. To prevent this you should sit with a good lumbar support for your lower back, upper back. Rest your feet on a low stool. Balance your body evenly on both feet when standing up.

Home remedies for back pain

Lose weight and maintain a healthy weight to prevent back issues and reduce its severity.

Try hot compress for temporary relief pain.

Exercise regularly under the supervision of a trained expert. Do strength training exercises that can strengthen your back.

Do yoga. There are several yoga postures which can have a beneficial effect on your back issues.

Take regular massages to keep back pain away.

If these remedies don’t work, you can try acupuncture of some medicines. Acute back pain might begin suddenly after a sports injury or lifting heavy objects. Back issues can be called chronic if it lasts for more than three months. You must seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden and intense back issues after a sports injury or lifting something heavy.

Also, if you lose bowel or bladder control, experience numbness in groin area and weakness in legs, and fever, then also it is suggested to seek medical assistance. If you have history of IV drug use, lose weight unintentionally and your pain gets worse with rest, then too you must see a doctor.

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