Safety First: How to Check the Expiration Date of Your Gas Cylinder

In every kitchen, amidst various elements, one often-overlooked essential is the gas cylinder. Whether you receive monthly connections or refill them from the market, it’s crucial to be aware that gas cylinders have an expiration date. Using a cylinder beyond its expiration date poses risks of leakage and potential explosions. To ensure safety, experts recommend discontinuing the use of a cylinder once it surpasses its expiration date.

But how can you determine if your gas cylinder has expired? Fortunately, there’s a simple method. In a video tutorial, an individual explains that the expiration date of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder is inscribed on the inner side of one of the metal strips connecting the cylinder body to the top ring. The strip features an alphabet (A to D) and a number, helping users decipher the expiration date. The alphabet denotes the month of expiration, while the number represents the year.

For clarity, the explanation goes as follows: A signifies January to March (First Quarter), B denotes April to June (Second Quarter), C represents July to September (Third Quarter), and D indicates October to December (Fourth Quarter). For instance, if you find “C-26” on a cylinder, the expiration date is between July to September 2026.

Ensuring kitchen safety, especially concerning gas cylinders, is paramount. Therefore, the next time you purchase or use a gas cylinder, take a moment to check the expiration date and prioritize safety in your kitchen.

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