Indoor Hanging Plants That’ll Instantly Bring Life to Any Room

Look up, not out: Take advantage of free space by hanging live succulents, flowers, and greens and spread positivity and more daytime oxygen.

If you’re tired of staring at the same four walls, bringing nature indoors is an easy, good-for-you way to refresh your space. In fact, studies have shown that plants may help reduce stress and reduce indoor air pollutants. And there’s no question that they make your space, no matter the size, look — and feel — more cosy and welcoming. If you’re short on space or available tables, countertops, or shelves, turn to these indoor hanging plants to infuse your home with live greenery. Not to mention, these pretty picks are a handy option if you have pets who like to nibble on houseplants or young children who pick up everything in sight.

Taking care of a hanging plant may sound tricky, but the same rules apply: Before sticking the plant, succulent, or flowers in a new planter, read up on how much water and sun it needs to thrive. A south-facing window is best for plants that need bright light, but many of the plants on this list can survive in low-light conditions. And whatever you do, make sure your planter has draining holes to prevent overwatering.

Spider Plant

spider plant   indoor hanging plant

Spider Plants are classic for a reason: They have long strappy leaves and arching stems with tiny plantlets on the ends, which can be pinched off to make new baby plants. Stick it in a room with bright light, even though it’ll adjust to low-light conditions. Water it when the soil is slightly dry.


pothos   indoor hanging plant

This hardy plant is perfect for newbies because it’s extremely tolerant a.k.a. it can survive weeks without water and light. Pothos, which also goes by Devil’s Ivy, prefers moderate light but will tolerate low light. Let it dry out between waterings.


orchid   indoor hanging plant

Phalenopsis Orchids don’t deserve a bad reputation for being fussy because they’re pleasantly forgiving. They’ll continue to bloom for months — years, even — as long as you give them bright, indirect light and water each week.

English Ivy

green ivy   indoor hanging plant

English Ivy looks beautiful cascading down the sides of a hanging basket or pot. It prefers moderate light but will adapt to low-light conditions. Let it dry completely between waterings.


air plant   indoor hanging plant

Air plants are a type of epiphyte, which means they can grow without soil. That means it’s the closest thing to a no-care plant! It’s often sold in a glass globe, so hang it in a visible spot where you can see its delicate beauty. Give it bright light, and water by misting occasionally.

Prayer Plant

prayer plant houseplant   indoor hanging plant

This under-appreciated beauty has veined leaves that curl up, as if in prayer, in response to darkness. It prefers moderate light and moist soil.

Bird’s Nest Fern

birds nest fern   indoor hanging plant

The bold, upright fronds of this plant form a pretty vase shape. Some varieties of Bird’s Nest Ferns, like this one from Bloomscape, have ruffled edges. As with most ferns, this type needs bright light and regular waterings.

String of Pearls

string of pearls   indoor hanging plant

The adorable name is reason enough to own this little gem! Tiny beads dangle on a long stem, giving this succulent a pear-inspired cascade. Place it in a room with bright light, and let soil mostly dry out between waterings.

Christmas Cactus

christmas cactus   indoor hanging plants

The arching form of this flowering plant works beautifully in a hanging pot. Keep your eye out for different species throughout the year, since flower colours vary by season. Give it bright light, and water when the soil is completely dry.

Boston Fern

boston fern   indoor hanging plant

These inexpensive ferns are a classic houseplant, but let’s make one thing clear: They require tons of TLC. Boston Ferns need constant light moisture and high humidity levels, which you can accomplish by sticking them on top of a tray filled with pebbles and water. They also shed regularly, so keep your broom handy.

Philodendron Heartleaf

heart leaf philodendron   indoor hanging plants

This vining plant is made up of glossy, heart-shaped leaves that fill out a hanging basket nicely. They prefer moderate light and should dry out slightly between waterings.

Chenille Plant

chenille foxtail   indoor hanging plant

Chenille plants have red caterpillar-like flowers that add a pop of colour to any room. Hang it in a spot that gets tons of sunlight, and keep it lightly moist for pretty results.

Arrowhead Plant

arrowhead plant   indoor hanging plants

Arrow-shaped leaves with silver splashes make this an interesting plant that’ll brighten up any room. Bonus: It’s not fussy, and extremely easy for beginners to care for. Just make sure it has moderate light and lightly moist soil.

Burro’s Tail

burro tail   indoor hanging plant

This succulent has an interesting texture that looks—you guessed it— like a burro’s tail. The long stems dangle over the sides of the pot, giving it a one-of-a-kind appearance. Like other succulents, it needs bright light and should dry completely between waterings.


peperomia   indoor hanging plant

Puckered leaves and unique markings make this an eye-catching plant for any setting. It grows best in low to moderate light and should dry out between waterings.

Maidenhair Fern

fern   indoor hanging plants

These delicate ferns are stunning, but be warned: They need high humidity levels (at least 50%) to survive. For this reason, Maidenhair Ferns should be kept in sunny bathrooms where there’s plenty of light and moisture.

Grape Ivy

grape ivy   indoor hanging plants

This lesser-known ivy plant has fuzzy leaves, which become shiny as they mature. It prefers moderate light but easily adapts to low-light conditions. Keep the soil lightly moist.

Polka Dot Plant

polka dot plant   indoor hanging plants

The pink, white, or red-speckled leaves of this plant make it a statement-maker. Set it in a room with moderate light, and let it dry between waterings.

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