What is male menopause All you need to know

Everybody knows about menopause and how it affects their health. But did you know that men also experience menopause? If scientific studies says that men also go through hormonal changes after the age of 50. However, it is very different from what women go through. “Male menopause” is a common term used for andropause, which refers to the decline in men’s testosterone levels.

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In andropause, secretion of testosterone and other hormones decline in men. Testosterone is a hormone that leads to changes during puberty, manages your physical and mental health, maintains muscle mass, fuels sex-drive and other important functions in the body. The condition is also known as testosterone deficiency and late-onset hypogonadism.


– low energy

– depression or sadness

– insomnia

– development of breasts

– erectile dysfunction

– infertility

– decreased libido

– reduced bone density and muscle mass

– hair loss

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In most cases, the symptoms are manageable without treatment. Making healthy lifestyle choices can help you alleviate the symptoms. So, eating healthy, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and less stress are some lifestyle changes that may help.


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