Avoid these to get good sleep

Sound sleep at night gives you a refreshed feel when you wake up. But for many people getting good sleep at night can prove to be really difficult. While some people are unable to sleep as they are suffering from sleep disorders, others may have some bad habits that prevent them from falling asleep on time. Here are some tips to get a good night’s sleep.

Avoid usage of mobile or laptop 

Blue light falls in the range of the visible light spectrum and is emitted by most of the white LEDs, laptops and mobile screens. The blue and white light emitted from digital screens blocks your brain from releasing melatonin, a hormone that helps your body sleep on time. So the person finds it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

Tea and coffee

Consuming any of these right before bed can prevent you from falling asleep. The caffeine present in these beverages increases the adrenaline and energy levels in the body, which can keep you up for a long period of time. It also blocks adenosine which is a chemical produced by the brain that makes you sleepy. Caffeine not only causes difficulty in falling asleep but also causes frequent awakenings in the middle of your sleep.


Smoking cause sleep disturbances. While you may believe that smoking helps you relax, nicotine is actually a stimulant which can keep you awake for hours thus making insomnia worse. Not only cigarettes but other modes of smoking such as vapes, smoking cessation patches, pipes, cigars, and even chewing tobacco prevents you from getting good sleep.

Benefits of sleeping wearing socks

Avoid watching or reading scary content

These can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Scary movies create a rush of adrenaline in the body which can either prevent you from falling asleep or can make you prone to having nightmares. These disturbing dreams will make it difficult to stay asleep and leave you feeling drained after waking up.





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