The Consequences of a Lack of Sex in a Marriage

Marriages are said to be made in heaven, but it is up to us to make them work. There is a fine line and a significant difference between staying together and living together that most couples overlook. Only after marriage does you truly ‘live’ together and get to know the person inside and out. That is why some couples who have been together for well over a decade fall apart after they marry, while others who have dated for the bare minimum have a solid marriage. Isn’t it a catch-22? Not at all.

Marriage is about the coming together of two cultures, individuals, families, values, habits, and many other intangibles. Understanding each other without having to express too much about it is one of the factors that you must understand when it comes to sustaining a marriage. It may appear to be a daunting task at first, but as you grow as an individual and as a couple, you notice the little cracks where you’d like to put some adhesive, bandage where it hurts, and that’s how you learn. Surviving and sustaining a marriage, especially in today’s fast-paced world where divorces are a faster option than finding solutions, begins with something under your control.


Just as emotional unavailability or distancing can devastate your marriage, a lack of sex can do the same. Its effects are more rooted, and it can then seep into other cracks in the marriage, resulting in a larger problem. Lack of sex or a lack of sex in a marriage can cause major problems. Let us take a look at a few of them:


Misunderstandings are one of the serious consequences of a lack of sex in marriage. When you or your SO is upset about something, the frustration can build up and manifest in other ways. That sexual frustration has now boiled over and messed things up even more!

Instead of fighting and arguing, take a deep breath and wait 10 seconds before responding.

Hits The Self-Esteem In Marriage

A lack of sex can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and confidence. You may begin to suspect that something is wrong with you, which can have an impact on other areas. You may become overly self-conscious, which can have a negative impact on your professional or personal life outside of your relationship.

To begin, try getting cuddly or slipping in some naughty texts to test the waters.

Feelings of Isolation

Sexless marriages can sometimes run their course faster than they would have otherwise. Feelings of isolation can develop as a result of self-esteem issues. Overall affection and emotional intimacy can suffer, potentially leading to separation or divorce.

Tip: If you’re feeling lonely, anxious, or want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world, call your friends and family before you go any further down the rabbit hole.

Scattered Thoughts About Marriage

Although this may appear to be a hazy situation, a constant sense of dissatisfaction can lead to a slew of thoughts that can leave you feeling befuddled about yourself and your marriage.

Tip: To clear your mind, it’s best to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Sit down with your spouse and be as honest as you can about where you stand, allowing the conversation to lead you to a solution. Be cautious, be truthful, and avoid being disrespectful.

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