Controversy Surrounds JLN Kochi Stadium’s Shift to Non-Sporting Events; Massive Protest Erupts

In a move that has sparked widespread controversy, the Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA) has decided to repurpose the Jawaharlal Nehru International Stadium in Kaloor for non-sporting events, including award nights and public gatherings. The decision aims to generate revenue by utilizing the stadium during breaks in the football schedule. However, the announcement has met vehement opposition from sports enthusiasts and the general public.

For the past five years, Kaloor Stadium has exclusively hosted football-related events. The GCDA’s new plan seeks to open the stadium to award nights and other extravagant events when there are gaps in the football schedule. With a seating capacity of 35,000 spectators, the stadium has been mostly dormant for over half the year, prompting the GCDA to explore alternative revenue-generating options. The turf maintenance costs incurred throughout the year have also contributed to this decision.

The proposed solution involves the installation of turf protection tiles with a stabilizer system, allowing the grass to grow while protecting it during non-sporting events. A budget allocation of eight crore rupees has been earmarked for this purpose in the upcoming budget. Despite these efforts, concerns have been raised by sports enthusiasts who fear potential damage to the football turf during non-sporting events.

Former GCDA Chairman N Venugopal has voiced opposition to the decision, echoing the sentiments of those apprehensive about the potential consequences. The Left-affiliated governing body’s plan has triggered a massive protest, with sports enthusiasts and concerned citizens demanding a reconsideration of the move. In response to the backlash, the GCDA is contemplating seeking expert advice before proceeding with the controversial plan, aiming to strike a balance between revenue generation and preserving the integrity of the sporting arena.

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