Crisis in State Food Department Sparks Concerns of Rice Price Surge, Minister Anil Voices Displeasure

Minister G R Anil has sounded the alarm over a severe crisis engulfing the state food department, indicating a looming increase in rice prices. Expressing discontent post the state budget, Minister Anil lamented the lack of allocated funds, emphasizing the urgency for budgetary considerations. The minister, addressing the media in Delhi, disclosed the precarious situation, hinting at potential discussions with the finance minister and central government to resolve issues arising from the absence of government agencies in the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS). Tensions escalated as Minister Anil, along with Minister K Rajan, walked out of the assembly in protest, drawing attention to the financial strain on Supplyco and the unsettling shortage of subsidized goods.

The minister highlighted the repercussions of the absent government agencies in the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS), hinting at forthcoming discussions with the finance minister and central government to address the crisis. Tensions heightened as Minister Anil and Minister K Rajan walked out of the assembly in symbolic protest, shedding light on the financial strain faced by Supplyco, coupled with shortages in subsidized goods.

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