Better voice control, better and sexier voice

A deep baritone is always, incredibly sexy. A voice that has depth and pitch has the power to mesmerize people. And quite interestingly, it can even make people fall in love! A deep voice projects a figure of authority, mixed with sensuality and confidence. And people are attracted to these traits all the time. It’s no surprise that women immediately reject a gorgeous man when their voice turns out to be the opposite of the image they project. It can hold you back. Let’s know what can make your voice sensual and sexy!

When you talk slowly

Nobody wants to listen to someone who speaks quickly. It not only confuses the listener, but it also discourages others from engaging in conversation with you. Listening to fast talkers is a chore. Slowing down allows you to have more control over your voice and pronunciation. It ensures that your words are well-minced and easily understood.

When you relax while speaking

Being tense while speaking hinders proper air-breathing control. This causes your voice to squeak or crack while speaking. Taking deep breaths in between conversations relaxes the voice and allows for a deeper baritone.

When you talk with your diaphragm

When you talk with your diaphragm, you have more control over your vocal cords and can produce a deeper voice. When you speak through your diaphragm, the sound vibrates within your chest, amplifying the sexiness of your voice tenfold.

When you pay attention to your pronunciation

It’s not just grammar nazis who pay attention to someone’s pronunciation; everyone does. Proper word pronunciation is a turn-on for the majority of people. Others may be drawn to you if you have a large vocabulary. And it’s even more enticing when you combine the proper pronunciation with a deep voice.

When you don’t indulge in habits that ruin your voice

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, bitterly cold ice cream, and spicy foods are just a few of the habits that can slowly ruin your voice. It can harm your vocal cords and rob you of your sexy voice. Avoiding such habits will help you keep your sexy, sensual, and deep voice.

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