What to do if you face cardiac arrest

Ever year millions die from cardiac arrest all over the world. 5 to 10 lakh people die all over the world due to cardiac interest, in which 10 percent of cases are seen in India. If you see someone fainting before you, first make them lie down on the ground. Don’t try to stand up. If the person is only unconscious, he will be conscious in 20 to 30 seconds.

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But if he does not come to consciousness even after 40 to 50 seconds, then he may have a cardiac arrest. As soon as you feel that this is a cardiac arrest, first, call someone for help. If there is no one around you, call the emergency number. Let the person lie straight on the ground, shake his shoulder and call him loud and see how he reacts. If he don’t respond, check his breath and heartbeats. If you don’t hear his beats, immediately try to bring him to consciousness with the help of chest compression. Therefore, it is necessary to tell the doctor immediately in such a situation.

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