Reduce your Anxiety; Add these food to your diet!

Anxiety is one of the common words which we are hearing from our loved ones. But the main problem of this mental trap is it gets unnoticed until we decide to visit a doctor to check our anxiety level.

Until a normal person decides to take medications, this anxiety disorder results in low concentration power, nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, breathing rapidly, sweating, trembling and feeling weak or tired.

Having this food will reduce your anxiety

1. Fatty fish- Researchers have found that people who take high doses of omega-3s (up to 2,000 mg a day) can witness a low level of anxiety. Many foods can also provide you with an appropriate amount of omega-3s. Fatty Fish is one of them that can give you a good heart, brain, lungs, and circulation.

2. Eggs-Tryptophan found in eggs is an amino acid that can help in creating serotonin. This can help in reducing the brain, blood platelets, and bowels. This can also help in regulating behaviour, mood, sleep, and memory. It can help you to function your brain active and you can relieve your anxiety.

3. Pumpkin seeds- Pumpkin seeds contain potassium. Even bananas may also help in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress. It has zinc which lowers the stress level and is rich in the amino acid tryptophan. It can make you feel relaxed from the growing anxiety.

4. Dark chocolate-The flavonoids in cocoa can help you to protect your cells. They are also a type of antioxidant, and they can reduce your blood pressure. It can boost the blood flow to your brain and heart. It can help in reducing your anxiety.

5 Yogurt- Yogurt converts stress hormones in your brain into good hormones. The probiotics found in quark (which is somewhat like a yoghurt cheese) promote the growth of friendly intestinal bacteria in the body and reduce anxiety.



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