Ways to make a one-sided relationship work

With so many stories and ballads about unrequited, one-sided love floating about, it’s difficult not to envision the sorrow and heartbreak that comes with it. It’s difficult enough to deal with one-sided love; it’s even more difficult when the person you adore doesn’t reciprocate. Being persistent about your feelings can lead to the other person falling in love over time, but it doesn’t always succeed. As a result, here are a few easy strategies to make your on-sided love work.

Make them aware that you are thinking of them.

Make yourself known to them on a regular basis. Communicate your feelings clearly and without any ambiguity. Do activities that will remind you of them. It will be difficult for them to resist if you text them and say, “This movie reminds me of you.”

Be a nice fella.

There’s nothing more reassuring than being a dependable buddy. Learn to win their trust and give them the freedom to rely on you. When it comes to committed partnerships, trust is more important than infatuation. They’ll want to get to know you better, and there’s no better way to start than by being them, a reliable friend. ‘Friends first, love second,’ as the saying goes.

Make them see your finest side.

When you’re around them, be your best self. Show off how happy and cheerful you are when you’re with them. It will make them very delighted to realise that they had such an impact on you. Subtly highlight your most notable accomplishments while maintaining a positive demeanor. Make them realise what they’re missing out on.

Don’t be obsessed with them.

Don’t excessively follow them on social media just because you adore them. It’s incredibly creepy, and if they find out about your fixation, they’ll stop talking to you forever. It’s a dangerous habit because limits are crucial in these situations.

Be there for them

You may become frustrated when they refuse to recognise your feelings, but don’t let this lead you to make a mistake. Ensure that you are available to them anytime they require assistance. Your love, support, and concern are priceless. However, keep in mind that they may take you for granted as well. Despite your best efforts, if you feel the same way and believe they’ll never love you as much as you do, it’s time to end your one-sided relationship.

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