Pazhankanji: Kerala’s Indigenous Superfood for a Refreshing Summer Boost

In the vibrant culinary landscape of Kerala, Pazhankanji, also known as leftover rice gruel, emerges as a indigenous superfood celebrated for its incredible health benefits and refreshing taste. Once a staple on dining tables, Pazhankanji lost its prominence with the advent of fast food, but its nutritious properties make it an ideal summer dish to rejuvenate the body.

Soaked overnight for approximately 12 hours, the rice in Pazhankanji undergoes fermentation, leading to increased levels of lactic acid, potassium, and iron. For instance, the iron content in 100 gm of rice surges from 3.4 mg to an impressive 73.91 mg after soaking overnight, contributing to stronger bones. Additionally, Pazhankanji is a rich source of vitamins B6 and B12, seldom found in many other food items.

Preparing Pazhankanji at home is a simple process. Cook parboiled rice the previous evening, let it cool, and add enough water without refrigeration. The next morning, mix in curd, crushed shallots, green chillies or bird eye chillies, and salt. This concoction provides a refreshing and nutritious start to the day, offering sustained energy.

Pairing Pazhankanji with a side of chutney made from roasted coconut, salted mango, lime pickle, and roasted papad enhances the culinary experience. For a unique summer drink to cool down the body, try Pazhankanji juice by adding crushed shallots and salt to the leftover rice water.

This forgotten superfood, when reintroduced into daily routines, brings back the wholesome goodness of Pazhankanji, representing a true Kerala treasure for health-conscious individuals.

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