Abhishek looked up how to kill a human easily on the internet while at Pala College

Pala: According to the police, accused Abhishek Baiju planned the murder of Nithina Mol, a student at Pala St Thomas College. He had looked up various methods of killing people on the internet.

Specifically, he looked up how to cut a vein, where to stab, where a deep wound could be inflicted, the number of veins on the throat, and how long it would take to die if stabbed on various websites. He also looked up the legal penalties and charges for stabbing someone to death.

Nithina’s death is mourned by her family and friends.

Nithina was like a sister to Dr Suann Zacharia, Associate Professor at Kottayam Medical College, who fondly referred to her as ‘Devu,’ as her mother did. When she came to see the doctor for her mother eight years ago, she met Nithina.

“Our friendship grew over time. The news of her death came as a shock to me. I would have gone to any length to save her if she had been brought to the hospital alive. During her last rites, all I could do was sit near her mother “Dr. Suann opined.

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